On Monday I did a fun little photoshoot with Summer and Garrett, which is where I got the cute feet shots. When Garrett was little, I tried to take a picture every month of him on the couch. But apparently I didn't start that until he was about 3.5 months old. Sooo, the first picture is the closest one I have of him at this age (2.5 weeks) . . . with my midwife. The other 2 pictures are of Garrett at 3.5 months on the couch. I swear, Summer already looks as big now as he was then. She's pretty much outgrown her newborn clothes, and some 0-3s are already a tight fit if she is in cloth diapers. Her cheeks are so chubby, but the rest of her is just long, long long. We see my midwife on Friday, so it will be fun to see what she's weighing. Garrett was such a slow gainer--he had barely doubled his birth weight at the age of 1. I still can't get over how little she and Garrett look alike. I went into my birth expecting another blue-eyed baby with very little hair. Summer is so far from that :-)
Love the long skinny feet! And the newborn scratched face :) She looks like she may have a more fair complexion too... They certainly do look different! I think it's great- it makes having a new baby all the more fun.
Love the long skinny feet! And the newborn scratched face :) She looks like she may have a more fair complexion too... They certainly do look different! I think it's great- it makes having a new baby all the more fun.
I cant believe how different they look:) And little summer already looks bigger:)
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