Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Stunt Pilot

That would be the pilot rocker he is standing on. I almost died laughing, it was hilarious! We were doing webcam with Nana and Pawpaw, I guess Garrett wanted to see the computer screen!

The other super funny thing he did is that he sat on the steps and "read" the card Rocky and Teresa gave to him . . . He squaked at it and had quiet a good time (those pics are below).

That does it for pics from the actual party--we also took "professional" pics (didn't want to fork over the $$ at sears or something, so we did it ourselves in the back yard and a few other cool places) . . . those will come later! Hope everyone enjoys the pictures, I can't believe he is one already!

I will post some more video to YouTube soon . . . took lots of that too. Oh, and he is taking more and more steps everyday, now will do about 10-12 before falling!! Yikes!!

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