Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Metro Zoo (5.27)

We went to Metro Zoo on Sunday and had an AWESOME time. It was Garrett's first trip to the zoo (and Daddy's too, at least to Metro Zoo!) The Grandmas had a ton of fun too!

Okay, first pic is Garrett looking at the tigers sleeping under the tree. One of them was sleeping just like Aspen does (on back with feet in air) so I am sure Garrett was thinking "Now that is one BIG puppy!"

Garrett spent a lot of time in the sling, the only reason we took the stroller was so he could get a good nap in. And boy, did he get a GOOD nap in it! (note the spit bubbles) :-D

Garrett loved anything where he could see under water. The "Wings of Asia" display was awesome, it included an underwater exhibit. Garrett loved the big fishies! And he LOVES birds anyway, so seeing all these big colorful ones up close was a huge plus.

The rest of this is probably picture overload, but I couldn't just pick a few pictures! There was so much cool stuff to see!!

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