Happy New Year! Last year I set
goals for 2011 . . . some got done, some didn't.
-Blog more . . . since I don't keep a journal or scrap book, this is IT.
FAIL in the past 3 months, since I have only blogged twice since Halloween
-Make a book of blog posts in case blogger ever decides to die, for the same reasons listed above
FAIL, sort of forgot about this one.
-Run 600 miles and do a total of 1000 miles total in multisport (bike/swim/run)
FAIL, mileage totals were: 346.5 running, 22o bike, 3.6 swimming. And while I missed every goal, I can't complain. Hard year, lots of sickies, lots of missed weeks. I'll take it.
-200 hours of fitness
SO CLOSE, 190.3 hours. Again, sickies have totally messed me up.
-Do at least 1 triathlon, 1 actual 5K, a budget 5K, a budget 10K and a budget 13.1 at some point throughout the year. I have seven events on my wish list right now (5 are tris), but we'll see how that goes.
FAIL, I only managed a true 5K, and a budget 5K. Part of this was due to my realization that I wanted to spend a little more time with the kids and a little less time training. And again, the sickies, trouble working in training in our hectic schedule, etc. etc. etc. BUT I did sign up for the Miami Beach 13.1 in March, so really looking forward to that!
-Read/Listen to 20 books . . . I really am loving getting back into reading again
Total success--Brad bought me a Kindle for mothers Day and I read around 30+ books this year. Water For Elephants was among the favorites list. Harry Potters. And too many to list.
-Go on a mommy-cation to see Allison, or have her come see me
Not this year :-( Maybe in 2012??
-Take Garrett to Disney for his birthday
Done, had a blast!
-Read my bible more. Planning on doing the Bible In 90 Days program, just not ready to add that in to my New Year until we get into the swing of things.
Fail. But I did spend a lot of time working on my relationship with God and with myself, so I'll take it.
-Give myself 30 minutes of still, peaceful quiet once a week. As much as I love working out, that can not continue to be my only me time if I wish to stay sane.
Major fail. Thus my difficult year
-Unplug a bit more. I've spent entirely TOO much time on Facebook this year. Going to try to limit my internet time to quick email/FB checks in the AM and at lunch.
Eh, so so, there were goods and bads.
-Moonlight ride on Shark River Valley with hubs
-Daytime Shark River Valley ride with Garrett
Both fail, bugs were horrible this year :-(
-Take my kids camping
DONE, we had a blast, went to Flamingo in the Everglades in early December. Among the "catch up posts" I hope to do in the next few weeks
-See my Grandma if she makes it stateside this year.
Fail, fail, fail. She came, but we didn't go. Summer was so incredibly difficult to deal with during the time she was here, and we opted not to travel across 3 time zones with her. :-(
All in all, I'm glad 2011 is over--we had a hard-ish year here. Nothing major, but just not the easiest either. But lots of great memories, and plenty more greatness to come in 2012.
Looking forward . . .
I don't have a huge list of goals. Just vague but important hopes:
Live in the momentEnjoy quality time with the kidsRun for the joy of itKeep myself and my family healthyFind peace with myself and KEEP IT
Find the happy balance in the Chaos, for the sake of my sanity.And, last but not least, talk to family more--that one has sort of fallen by the wayside in the craziness.
Updates to come (HOPEFULLY!)