Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Six months old today!

My little man is six months old today. I can hardly believe it . . . it seems like just yesterday that he was born, yet Brad and I have no idea how we got along without him. We went to the pediatrician today -- he is 13lbs, 3 oz and 26 inches. Everyone always comments on how "small" he is . . . the little poop won't sit still! He is always rolling all over the place, and will sit up huge chunks of time playing with his toys. He has started squealing quiet loudly whenever he wants something. A major bummer is that he doesn't sleep through the night anymore. In fact, if he sleeps more than a two hour chunk at a time, we consider ourselves lucky. He's either teething or on a growth spurt, or he could be getting ready to hit some more milestones. Who knows. Or, as his daddy puts it, he could just be rotten!

We got family portraits taken at Sears in the evening . . . to view the entire collection, visit Sears Portrait Studio. I liked all but the one that is a closeup of his face--it just didn't turn out well at all! He's such a happy little guy, though. Even though it was WAY past his bedtime because we had to wait until Daddy got off of work, he had big smiles! The best thing is we finally have a picture of all three of us where Garrett isn't napping AND I have a decent picture of my little man and I (I'm always behind the camera, LOL!). The one of he and Brad turned out really well too!

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