February is already half over. One of my New Years Resolutions this year is to blog 2x a month so that you all can have pictures to look at :-) So at the very least I will attempt to update on the 15th and 1st of every month. . . .
February has been relatively calm in comparision to January. We're finally getting back into the swing of things. Work has been slow because my boss has been traveling a lot. While Garrett is crazy, he's fallen into a routine of things to do at the house to keep him occupied. He's such a big help around the house these days--he cleans up when asked and loves to do chores so that he can earn pennies for his piggy bank.
We had a playdate at Biscayne National Park at the beginning of the month. Thanks Monica for these pics!
Ecology lesson!

Summer LOVES rocking chairs!

Garrett had to sit on TOP of his friends. Mad was yelling "Get it off me!"

Garrett is still LOVING school. They learned about mardis gras and he made a mask (thanks Miss Jamie for these pics!)

And then they had a valentines day party.

Decorating bags

The festivities included playing outside, riding bikes, and a bounce house. Both kids had a BLAST!

We've been potty training this week. Summer has been taking her diaper off whenever she can, throwing fits over laying down for changes, and pointing to her tush when she is dirty. She's been naked all week and loves to sit on the potty. We've only had one actual success IN the potty, but she seems to be holding it in until her diap gets back on. I remember when we potty trained Garrett, the whole first week was ALL about just sitting on the potty and had nothing to do with actually going on it. Thank goodness for Diaperswappers and the WAH mommies on there who can make tiny little undies to fit my tiny little girl, lol! So we'll probably be sticking as close to home as possible over the next few weeks while we see if Summer is really ready to learn the potty or if we will toy with it for 6 months like we did with Garrett. She's getting so big these days--she's learned to climb on the couch and loves to sit on it just like a big girl. And occassionally she tried to climb over the BACK. Fun times.

We had a nice valentines day here. I received some beautiful roses on Friday from my wonderful hubby. Garrett and I went to Lowes to do a project on Saturday-he loves having that one on one time every couple of weeks. Brad is taking a class to teach CPR for the Coast Guard (through the Auxiliary), and was gone most of the day yesterday. We had a nice dinner when he got home and just spent some quality time together in the evening. Today we are going on a fire station visit with Garrett's school, which he is REALLY looking forward to. Off to get ready for that!